Guam remains in Condition of Readiness (COR) 3. Gov. Eddie Baza Calvo and Rear Adm. Shoshana Chatfield, commander of Joint Region Marianas anticipate placing the island and military installations, respectively, in COR 2 at noon today, and are planning to move to COR 1 at 5 p.m.. COR 2 means typhoon-strength winds are expected within 24 hours. As of 9:37 a.m., Yutu was located 13.4 degrees north latitude and 148 degrees east longitude, about 215 miles east of Guam and 195 miles southeast of Saipan and Tinian. Yutu is moving west-northwest at 14 mph with maximum sustained winds now at 125 mph. Governor Calvo strongly encourages everyone to remain indoors as damaging winds begin to arrive and for the duration of the storm. Base installation commanders will determine the flow of personnel based on mission requirements. DoDEA schools will remain open, closing at normal hours.
What should you do:
Stay up to date – monitor local news, National Weather Service and the Joint Information Center
If you have not done so, put up shutters now. Do not wait for winds to increase this afternoon.
If you have not done so, clear loose debris around your yard and store any items that may become airborne with heavy winds such as canopies, tarps and trampolines, before inclement weather arrives, which is in the next four hours.
Keep emergency preparedness kit readily available, with battery operated radio, flashlights and extra batteries.
Secure important documents such as birth certificates, tax papers, and insurance documents and keep copies in a water-proof bag
Unplug all appliances and ensure energy breakers are switched off once damaging winds approach (forecast to be by late this afternoon)
If you live in an area prone to flooding, cover beds and furniture with plastic to prevent water damage
Do your laundry now
Ensure pets are part of your emergency plans (i.e. have enough supplies, bring them indoors)
Take down any temporary signs, including those for political campaigns, advertisements, and any other wooden or loosely placed items that have the ability to lift in heavy winds and cause damage to life and property
Conduct all preparedness activities before 4 p.m., as damaging winds will impact the island then.
Do not camp, park, or hike along streams, rivers, and creeks during heavy rainfall. These areas can flood quickly and with little warning.
When you’re done securing your homes and you know someone elderly, living with a disability, or who will otherwise need help, please see how you can help them. If you know a neighbor who has no way of getting information about the storm, please let your neighbor know what the updates are.
Guam Memorial Hospital:
BEGINNING AT 3:00PM today, October 24th,GMHA will be providing storm shelter for pregnant women who are at least thirty-eight (38) weeks pregnant and all high-risk pregnant mothers who are six (6) months or more in their pregnancy. Pregnant moms are asked to please speak to your healthcare provider for guidance if you’re unsure your pregnancy is high risk. Please check in at the Patient Registration Dept. on the 1stfloor starting at 3:00 pmtoday and before the announcement of Condition of Readiness I. Expectant mothers will remain at the hospital for the duration of the storm until it is determined safe for them to return to them homes. All expectant mothers are asked to enjoy a complete meal before they check into the hospital. Sleepers, pillows and blankets will be provided to the pregnant mothers. All pregnant mothers who need to come to GMH are asked to bring the following for their comfort and convenience: Also, regular visiting hours and family viewings will be suspended at COR 2 today until further notice. Outpatient elective surgeries are postponed upon declaration of COR 1 until further notice. All essential GMH staff are asked to check in with their hospital supervisors. For more information, please contact PeterJohn Camacho at 647-2555 Green Waste At this time, please refrain from placing green waste on roadways and other public easements. Information regarding green waste will be provided during recovery. Emergency shelters will be opened at 2 p.m.: *Only those present in the shelters will be allowed to register, shelter managers will not allow families to count family members if not present at time of registration* North
ID and insurance cards;
Drinking water & Snacks that do not need refrigeration or heating;
Any needed medications,
Personal toiletries (soap, toothbrush, lotions, etc.)
Change of clothing;
Entertainment i.e. games, cards, DVD movies, books, etc. to help pass time;
For hospital safety, please follow these RESTRICTIONS:
No personal pillows and linens.
No escorts, children or pets will be allowed to accompany the pregnant mothers.
No weapons and illegal drugs are permitted.
Astumbo Elementary School
Maria A. Ulloa Elementary School
Upi Elementary School
Machananao Elementary School
George Washington High School
Harry S. Truman Elementary School
Merizo Martyrs Memorial School
Talofofo Elementary
The governor and the admiral expect to declare COR1 at 5 p.m. if the storm continues on its path. At that time, residents and visitors should stay indoors for the remainder of the evening. Visit the following links for the latest advisory information: • NWS Website: http://www.prh.noaa.gov/guam/ • NWS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NWSGuam/ • GHS/OCD Website: https://ghs.guam.gov/ • GHS/OCD Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GHSOCD/ • Governor Calvo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddiebazacalvo/ • Joint Region Marianas Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jrmguam/