Why print still matters
From the publisher's desk
By Mar-Vic Cagurangan
Selective elective amnesia
The Article V test: Who will reinforce the US for Guam's defense?
The lawyers’ dilemma
Free and open what?
The inherent dilemma
Legislating menstruation
Farewell to a visionary
The year of grand gestures and pending promises
A jigsaw puzzle: How do you solve a problem like Guam Memorial Hospital?
RECA: The holy grail for Guam's radiation survivors
You snooze you lose
Serious problem, farcical solution
Till the next typhoon
Surviving Mawar
Show me the money
War on gobbledygook
The outsider
The great egg-flation
The war on abortion is not over
Post-election in the post-Covid season
A debate about debates
Pampered with attention
Guam’s political idiosyncrasy
There is no such thing as 'pro-abortion'
The Fifth Branch: Where citizens are in charge
Gun laws and Guam's Castle Doctrine
Every chance to ‘milk’ the feds
A ghost of the dark years
The politics of public health in the time of Covid
Some are more equal than others
From the beat: Gerry writes 30
The worst year? 2021 around the Pacific
When abnormal becomes the new normal
In memory of Abed Younis
Convincing the inconvincible: Carrot and stick or a Rousseauian solution
Information crisis amid Information Age
It was the worst of times, it was the best of times
Murder of the mind
‘Simple people' vs the simple-minded
Blast from the past: Memories of the old newsroom
Stopping Micronexit
The colonial legacy: Political corruption dates back to the Spanish period
The backbone of economy
OK, Kamala Harris is a woman. And?
The baffling contradictions of the Covid-era economy
The Matrix 2020
A picture that paints a thousand words
Stranger than fiction
The social contract: What people expect in exchange for surrendering their freedom