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Guam voters head to polls today

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

Guam voters are heading to the polling stations across the island today, the moment of decision amid a highly divided political environment.

Many consider the would-be outcome of this year's election as a verdict on how the administration handled the Covid-19 pandemic.

Of a total of 60,462 registered voters, nearly 8,000 have voted early.

For the gubernatorial race, voters will pick between the incumbent Democratic governor, Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero, and former Republican governor, Felix Camacho.

Leon Guerrero is running with Lt. Gov. Josh Tenorio, while Camacho is running with Sen. Tony Ada.

Voters have contemplated a host of issues as they consider how they will cast their votes.

“Government corruption, police corruption, misuse of local and federal funds, executive power, the hiring of unqualified government employees,” are among the issues at the top of C.S. Cruz’s concerns.

“I believe they took advantage of the emergency status to do things they otherwise would not be able to do,” said Cruz, 40, who owns a small business in Barrigada. “They used the emergency to procure, and fund items the legislature would have stopped for good reason.”

While not exactly pleased with the roster of candidates, Cruz said he intends to vote. “They say all the right things,” he said of the candidates. “However, I am skeptical because they will do whatever suits their purpose.”


Tamuning resident Dori Leomo, who cast her vote last week, left the oval for the governor and lt. governor unmarked, saying neither of the two teams appealed to her.

When asked about what she looked for in a candidate, Leomo said, “intelligence and honesty. I am looking for somebody who places the interests of the citizens above his or her own.”

Government transparency and abortion are at the top of her concerns. “I am not in favor of abortion. It is not the solution,” she said.


This year's political process also includes the congressional race between Sen. James Moylan, a Republican, and former Speaker Judi Won Pat, a Democrat.

The race for 15 seats in the legislature sees some incumbent senators seeking reelection, former legislators hoping to return to the session hall, and newcomers trying their luck in politics.

Leevin Camacho, the incumbent attorney general, is being challenged by Douglas Moylan, former attorney general, and write-in candidate Peter Santos.

The complete list of candidates is available here.

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