The U.S. Navy is proposing to conduct at-sea training and testing activities that would include the use of active sonar and explosives within the study area in Guam and the CNMI.
The testing activities, according to the Navy, is aims to maintain a ready force “to ensure the military can accomplish its mission to maintain, train, and equip combat-ready forces.”
The U.S. Navy has prepared a draft supplement to the 2015 Final Mariana Islands Training and Testing (MITT) Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS), which evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with conducting ongoing and future military readiness activities within the study area at sea and on Farallon de Medinilla.
The Navy said the proposed at-sea training and testing activities are generally consistent with those analyzed in the 2015 MITT Final EIS/OEIS and are similar to activities the military has conducted in the study area for decades. The MITT study area includes: the Mariana Islands Range Complex, areas on the high seas to the north and west of the Mariana Islands Range Complex, a transit corridor between the Mariana Islands Range Complex and the Hawaii Range Complex, starting at the international date line, and Apra Harbor and select Navy pierside and harbor locations. The Navy is seeking public review and comment on the proposed action and alternatives and the accuracy and adequacy of the environmental analysis. The Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS is available for public review online at and at the following locations: Guam: Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Library
University of Guam
UOG Station Mangilao, GU 96923 Nieves M. Flores Memorial Library 254 Martyr St. Hagåtña, GU 96910 Saipan: Joeten-Kiyu Public Library Beach Road and Insatto St. Saipan, MP 96950 Tinian: Tinian Public Library San Jose Village Tinian, MP 96952 Rota: Antonio C. Atalig Memorial Library Rota, MP 96951 The Navy will accept comments throughout the public comment period, which ends March 18. All comments must be postmarked or received online by March 18, 2019, Chamorro Standard Time, for consideration in the Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS. Comments may be submitted online at, at the public meetings, or by mail to:
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific Attention: MITT Supplemental EIS/OEIS Project Manager 258 Makalapa Drive, Suite 100 Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-3134 The Navy will hold two open house public meetings to provide information, answer questions, and give the public an opportunity to comment on the Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS. The public may arrive at any time between 5-8 p.m., as there will not be a presentation or formal oral comment session. The meetings will be held at the following locations: Guam Date: Tuesday, Feb. 26 Location: University of Guam Jesus & Eugenia Leon Guerrero School of Business and Public Administration Building Anthony Leon Guerrero Multi-Purpose Room 129 and Henry Sy Atrium Mangilao, Guam 96923 Saipan Date: Wednesday, Feb. 27 Location: Kanoa Resort Saipan Seaside Hall Beach Road in Susupe Saipan, MP 96950