Company will design, build three training areas at Andersen Air Force Base

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Pacific in Honolulu has awarded a $149 million firm-fixed price contract to design and construct three training areas at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.
The contract is funded by the government of Japan as part of the International Agreement between the United States and Japan.
The first training area will include a Combat Vehicle Operators Course. Improvements include site clearing, grubbing and grading and the construction of a serpentine [snake like] road system and multiple obstacles forming the CVOC.
The second training area will include a hand grenade range, live fire shoot house and a breacher facility. The hand grenade range is to include a familiarization course, throwing lanes, a grenade shoot house, and ancillary observation and supporting structures. The shoot house building is to support training review. Electrical and communications utilities will be provided to support these facilities.
The third training area will include a range warehouse, area distribution node, and communication tower. An existing residential neighborhood will be used as a Military Operations in Urban Terrain training facility. A MOUT AAR building will also be included, which will require electrical, communications, water, and sewer utilities. The work will include selective repairs to existing buildings and construction of multiple types of buildings such as an embassy, hotel, or school.
The $149,463,478 contract was awarded to Core Tech—HDCC—Kajima, LLC of Tamuning, Guam.
Work is expected to be completed by November 2022.