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12 of 358 tests positive for Covid-19; CAR score: 0.7; Classrooms to reopen Jan. 18

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero has extended the public health emergency for another 30 days. The public health emergency, which was set to expired Dec. 30, has been extended through Jan. 29, 2021 under the governor's new executive order.

The directive also authorizes the tentative resumption of in-person classes effective Jan. 18, 2021, but the reopening is contingent on continued low CAR scores and test positivity rates.

All Guam Department of Education schools are required to offer options for students to continue distance learning.

The governor also authorizes additional activities and businesses to resume operation effective Jan. 11. These include amusement parks, bingo halls, gamerooms, and similar businesses and activities.

Twelve new cases of Covid-19 were identified out of 358 tests performed on Monday, Dec. 28, 2020. Eleven cases were identified through contact tracing.

To date, there have been a total of 7,293 officially reported cases of Covid-19 with 121 deaths, 218 cases in active isolation and 6,954 not in active isolation. The Covid Area Risk score is 0.7.

Guam remains in Pandemic Condition of Readiness 1 and the “Safer At Home” advisory continues.


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