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Senators ready to vote on Bill requiring transparency on complaints against medical examiners board

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

A bill requiring prompt reporting on the status of complaints against the Guam Board of Medical Examiners moved to the voting file on Monday.

Bill 309-36, introduced by Speaker Therese Terlaje, seeks to ensure that those who filed complaints against the board for medical negligence or misconduct get updated on the progress of their cases.

Terlaje said she introduced the bill after several complainants informed her that they were subjected to a lack of efficient follow-up on the status of their cases or a complete absence of a response, even after several requests by complainants for updates.


During the latest Committee on Health Oversight hearing held on Feb. 16, the Health Professional Licensing Office acknowledged that follow-up with complainants on the status of their cases has been delayed and that they were working to address the issue.

“I want to thank the very brave people in our community who have come forward to speak up, despite fear of retribution, to highlight where current laws or rules appear to work against them so that they can be changed," Terlaje said. "I think we owe them advocacy for truth, justice, and for a process that is fair, a process that encourages action and, at the very least, preserves the dignity of our people."

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