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Writer's pictureBy Pacific Island Times News Staff

Public high schools proposed as satellite sites for Guam ID application

Sen. James Moylan has introduced a bill that would designate Guam public high schools as sites for students to apply for a Guam ID, allowing them to obtain the identification document "in the simplest of manners."

“We have to recognize that some students face challenges with transportation and in some cases financial constraints, that it is only appropriate for our government to create logical policies, such as this measure," Moylan said in introducing Bill 163-36.

"The objective is simple, that a graduating senior should not just leave with a diploma, but also the means to further their life’s opportunities," Moylan added.

The bill, filed Thursday last week, is co-sponsored by Sens. Telena Nelson, Amanda Shelton, Mary Camacho Torres and Vice Speaker Tina Muna Barnes.

Bill 163-36 (COR), which was filed last Thursday proposes to designate

"Possession of a Guam ID creates many opportunities for students, inclusive of employment, planning for higher education, traveling, banking, or applying for student financial aid or public assistance," states a press release from Moylan's office.

Bill 163-36 would require coordination between the Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) and the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) to establish the process for Guam ID applications within the school.

"The process would abide by all rules and regulations, inclusive of confidentiality, and this would be inclusive of designating a GDOE employee in picking up the Guam IDs for the students. The measure further waives the fees for a new Guam ID if it is applied for through the school," Moylan's office said in a press release.

Bill 163-36 was spawned by discussions with Carla Masnayon, principal of Simon Sanchez High School, who shared the importance of this reasonable policy.

The idea was also endorsed by her colleagues, the principals of other Guam Public High Schools, inclusive of Ms. Rita Flores (Okkodo High School), Ms. Sophia Duenas (Tiyan High School), Dr. Barbara Adamos (John F. Kennedy High School), Mr. Dexter Fullo (George Washington High School), and Mr. Michael Meno (Southern High School). The measure was also supported by GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez.

“We appreciate the exchange of dialogue with Principal Masnayon, who educated me and my team on the importance of this simple yet critical issue. I would also like to extend an appreciation to my colleagues for their co-sponsorship of the measure," Moylan said.

"Bill 163-36 has the potential to help many students, and that makes this legislation very monumental," he added.

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