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Guam farms, ranches ravaged by Mawar

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

Preliminary assessments conducted by the Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Development Services Division concluded that Guam farmers lost 90 percent to 100 percent of their crops as a result of the devastating typhoon Mawar, which hit the island last week.

The department announced that it will be initiating the application process to assist Guam’s farmers and ranchers with recovery from their ravaged livelihood.

The Crop Loss Compensation Program (provides monetary relief to farmers and ranchers for losses to crops, livestock and/or property, due to natural disasters. Funding for the program is derived from General Funds appropriated by the Guam Legislature. Compensation does not cover 100% of the loss but serves more as recovery support to help farmers and ranchers start fresh.

Priority is given to eligible farmers/ranchers who meet all three of the following criteria:

  1. Registered with DOAG ADS as Bona Fide farmers/ranchers;

  2. Engaged in the commercial production of crops (vegetables/fruit trees) and/or livestock; and

  3. Current and in good standing with production reports (due every six months from the date of certification)

Registered subsistence farmers and unregistered commercial and unregistered subsistence farmers will be assessed and considered after all commercial farmers, in good standing, are processed. Registered farmers are required to report their crops and/or livestock quantities and update their Bona Fide six-month reports prior to a storm occurrence. Not reporting prior to the storm does not exclude you from this opportunity. Rather, this advanced notification allows ADS to expedite the processing of their claims.

Pertinent information to know for next week:

  • Applications for Crop Loss Compensation will be available starting June 5 .

  • Applicants have 10 working days to submit applications with all required documents and/or pictures.

  • Documents that assist with processing include valid identification, listing of crops/livestock losses and amounts (acreage or count), list of equipment lost, timesheets and employment contracts for labor, total acreage farmed, receipts (crop/livestock purchases, fertilizers, water usage, fuel, etc.). ADS personnel will be stationed at the following locations from June 5 o 9 to issue applications and provide application guidance.

Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to bring valid identification and receipts for items they will claim. The last day to submit applications is June 20 at 4:30 p.m. In an effort to support farmers and ranchers with all possible programs available, USDA Farm Services Agency will also be on site to provide information about available federal farmer/rancher programs.

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