By Pacific Island Times News Staff
At least 40 foreign nationals who have been convicted of various crimes on Guam are set to be deported.
“Our intention is to free up cells at (the Department of Correction) to make room for more criminals in order to protect our people,” Attorney General Douglas Moylan said. “Once deported they cannot re-enter the U.S.”

The Office of the Attorney General has issued letters to convicted foreign inmates who have U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration & Customs Enforcement detainer notices lodged with DOC.
"Under ICE detainers the feds cover the costs," Moylan said. "We are working on the non-ICE detainers, which may be paid by the defendant if he or she wants out. Otherwise, we will locate funds or seek funding from the legislature for that plane ticket."
Those facing deportation were convicted of manslaughter, home invasion and sexual assault. Most of them are from the Federated States of Micronesia and some from the Philippines.
“Our program immediately deports convicts back to their homelands without commuting their prison terms,” Moylan said. “Upon the criminal’s acceptance, we submit to our judges stipulated motions to amend their judgments for their release to ICE officers for immediate deportation.”
Those who don’t accept the amendments will remain in jail but will be deported upon their eventual release.
“Their prison sentences will not be commuted,” Moylan said. “Their jail sentences will be held in abeyance so long as they remain out of Guam and the U.S., otherwise their prison sentences will be fully served.”
The OAG will also request the courts to issue post-deportation bench warrants that will “tag” the deported individuals’ names if they show up at any U.S. port of entry, where they will be arrested and brought before a judge for re-incarceration.
“However, these convicts will more likely be charged by the federal government, punished and deported again,” Moylan said.
"This program will be a bit more complex as the feds will not be keeping them off Guam," he added. "The threat of imprisonment should keep them out.
Otherwise, (they are sent back ) right to DOC as an outstanding bench warrant will cause their being caught upon reentry."

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