The Joint Information Center on Monday reported 87 new Covid-19 positive cases, bringing Guam's tally to 907 as of the start of the week. Of this total, 17 are hospitalized.
The 87 new cases were among the 880 samples tested over the weekend.
"We report results based on information we receive from the Guam Public Health Laboratory. Our lab typically sends information from the night before after it has had time to consolidate all test results and specimens it has processed," said Janela Carrera, project coordinator and public information officer at the Department of Public Heath and Social Services. "This includes the different providers we receive samples from and other labs reporting separate results such as GMHA and DLS."
To date, there have been a total of 907 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with seven deaths, 428 not in isolation, and 472 cases in active isolation. Of those cases, 764 are classified as civilians and 143 are military service members.
CovidO-19 test results are reported from multiple labs at varying times of the day. The Joint Information Center will report cumulative COVID-19 test results once a day, unless unavailable.

The Guam Department of Education is conducting more contact tracing as more schools have reported Covid-19 infections. Affected schools include Marcial Sablan Elementary School, Simon Sanchez High School and John F. Kennedy High School. Two Covid-19 cases were also identified at Astumbo Middle School.
"Over the weekend and on Monday, Aug. 24, the GDOE was notified that five total employees from the aforementioned schools tested positive for Covid-19. Four of these employees were identified and tested as part of contact tracing efforts. This brings the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases at the GDOE to 14," JIC said.
"Areas at each of the campuses have been identified for cleaning and disinfecting. Under the current executive order, GDOE employees are teleworking and will not have access to campuses until cleaning has been completed," JIC said.
At the Port Authority of Guam, General Manager Rory J. Respicio said contact tracing efforts have led to the identification of two more employees positive with Covid-19.
"This brings the Port’s total to three employees affected by Covid-19,” Respicio said. “Our three employees remain in home isolation. Their work areas have been deep cleaned. Contact tracing and testing for the first two Covid-19 positives are done, which resulted in identifying the third Covid-19 positive through testing. Our team immediately conducted contact tracing for the third Covid-19 positive, identifying additional Port employees who may have been potentially exposed to Covid-19 and their testing was conducted by DPHSS this morning.”
At least 126 Port employees have been tested by the DPHSS.
“The Port Authority of Guam remains completely operational, despite the daily challenges imposed by the coronavirus pandemic because we have been following Governor Lou Leon Guerrero’s directives and the Center for Disease Control Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure Worker,” Respicio said.
The Guam National Guard (GUNG), in coordination with the Department of Public Works (DPW), is currently working to consolidate the government of Guam’s three designated quarantine facilities to the Dusit Beach Resort (formerly known as Outrigger Guam Beach Resort). The new facility will provide the minimum 300 room capacity needed to sustain quarantine operations with the capacity to expand to as many as 600 rooms. Effective Sunday, Aug. 23, all incoming passengers were processed into the Dusit Beach Resort.
The process of transferring individuals from their original quarantine facility locations to the Dusit Beach Resort began over the weekend and is currently ongoing. Individuals scheduled for release from their quarantine on Monday, Aug. 24, remain at their current quarantine facility.
To date, there are 256 individuals occupying 191 rooms in the current three government designated facilities: Wyndham Garden, Oceanview Garden Court, and Bayview Hotel. Consolidation of facilities is expected to be complete by Monday evening.