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By Pacific Island Times Ns Staff

Get FPUC extension for Guam, Underwood tells San Nicolas

Congressional candidate Robert Underwood is calling for the extension of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) to Guam, and is urging Delegate Mike San Nicolas to do his job to fight for it.

FPUC is a temporary emergency increase of $600 per week in unemployment benefits created by Congress during the Covid-19 pandemic and expired on July 25.

Underwood, who served in Congress from 1993 to 2003, is seeking to return to his old seat, competing against San Nicolas for the Democratic Party's nomination in the aug. 29 primary.

“As Guam continues to suffer from the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the FPUC has helped families survive unemployment and furloughs, and losing $600 worth of assistance will be devastating for all of Guam’s families,” said Underwood.


“The Congress is still negotiating another assistance package and our delegate should be making the arguments to extend FPUC to Guam, not waiting idly by and hoping that our island is included in the final package. He needs to take a stand and fight for Guam’s families because any reduction of unemployment benefits will lead to prolonged suffering for Guam’s families and wage earners who continue to be displaced from the Covid-19.”

“The work of the Guam delegate doesn’t stop in the House and it’s misplaced to put the burden of Guam’s fate in the U.S. Senate on the shoulders of our local Republican party.


Guam’s delegate has missed floor votes, missed committee votes, has never spoken on the House floor to talk about Guam’s suffering during the House’s deliberation on the CARES Act or the HEROES Act, and is probably the only Member of Congress who has not visited his district during the Covid-19 pandemic. As Guam’s voice, his absence in Congress and in Guam is deafening.”

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