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Total number of Covid-19 cases on Guam: 688

By Pacific island Times News Staff

Guam has a total of 688 Covid-19 cases, which include the 133 civilians tested by the Department of Public Health and Social Services and 550 sailors from the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

A 79-year-old woman became the fifth death caused by Covid-19 on Guam .She passed away at the Guam Memorial Hospital, where she was initially admitted on April 10. She had a history of diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease and had no travel history, according to DPHSS.

“We mourn for everyone touched by this awful virus, and we send our deepest condolences to this woman’s family and friends. While no one can take away the pain felt by her loved ones, we can work to limit the damage it causes,” said Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero. “What we face as an island isn’t easy. It’s painful and it is hard—but this virus will take even more from us if we aren’t committed to staying home and stopping the spread. In this Easter season, I pray that we all have the strength, courage, and wisdom to do what we must to prevent even more sadness,” she added.

Because test results are reported from multiple labs at varying times of the day, the cumulative total from all labs, known at the time of release, will be reported on a nightly basis. The following breakdown provides Covid-19 test results for Saturday, April 11, 2020:

The Department of Public Health and Social Services tested 33 individuals on Saturday, April 11 with conclusive results. Two tested positive through DPHSS and 31 tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. One additional case has been confirmed through Diagnostic Laboratory Services.

The DPHSS overall count also includes cases of Covid-19 that have been clinically diagnosed, confirmed positive cases tested by the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego, and confirmed positive cases through DLS.

To date, there are a total of 133 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with 58 recoveries and five deaths. All 70 remaining cases are in isolation.

The Guam Public Health Laboratory is closed on Easter Sunday. There will be no tests run. The GPHL will re-open on Monday.

On the Navy's side, one sailor was reported to have been admitted to the intensive care unit of Naval Hospital Guam

According to the Navy's most recent update, 92 percent of the ship's 5,000 crewmembers have been tested with 3,673 getting negative results. A total of 3,696 sailors have moved ashore. The number of sailors who are currently in quarantine at Tumon hotels is not available.

Pacific Island Times


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