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By Joyce McClure

Yap Catholic High students honored for journalism writing

Colonia, Yap-- Five members of the Journalism Club at Yap Catholic High School entered the first Pacific Island Times Journalism Competition and two walked away with the top prize of having their articles published by the Guam-based newspaper. Freelance writer, Joyce McClure, who writes about Yap for the publication, handed out certificates of achievement to the three freshmen, one sophomore and one senior during the school’s morning assembly on Mar. 20.

YCHS Principal Michael Wiencek watches as Joyce McClure (far right) presents certificates to Jocelyn Kugum, Aurora Walag, BrieAnndah R. Foruw, Nicholas Untun and Nadley Monique Yow. Photo by JT Libyan

The aspiring writers chose themes that ranged from the environment to culture and general news. Judges for the competition included editor Bruce Lloyd and publisher Mar-Vic Cagurangan. “The students all did an excellent job,” Lloyd said. “It was not an easy decision but we chose the articles written by sophomore BrieAnndah R. Foruw and senior Nicholas Untun for publication.”

When making the presentation, McClure encouraged any students interested in writing and storytelling to join the Journalism Club and enter the competition next year. In the meantime, she will meet with the club’s members to discuss journalism and careers in the field.


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