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  • Pacific Island Times Staff

University of Guam Regents elect new chair

The University of Guam Board of Regents elected Christopher K. Felix as its chairperson on Nov. 15 to fill the vacancy left by outgoing Chairperson Elizabeth C. “Betty” Gayle. Gayle has chaired the body for the past year and has now fulfilled her six-year term on the board. Felix will serve as chair until the board holds its regular elections in April.

Felix was appointed by Gov. Edward B. Calvo to serve on the board from November 2013 to November 2019. During his tenure, he served four years as chairperson of the Student Affairs, Scholarship, Alumni Relations, and Honorary Degree Committee and as the chairperson of the Physical Facilities Committee from 2017–2018.

“Mr. Felix has proven an engaged and dedicated member of our local community and of our board. We look forward to his leadership as we continue to evolve the University,” said UOG President Thomas W. Krise.

Krise also thanked Gayle for her service, saying, “Ms. Gayle has been a dynamic part of the board, and we are so grateful for her service. She was instrumental in managing the transition to a new president, which was an especially active period in the board’s history.”

During Gayle’s six-year tenure on the board from August 2012 to October 2018, she served on the President Search Committee from 2017–2018 and also as chairperson of the Physical Facilities Committee for two years and chairperson of the President Evaluation Committee for two years, among others. She was elected vice chairperson of the board from 2016–2017 and chairperson in 2017.

To fill the empty seat on the board, the governor has appointed Sandra H. McKeever, CEO and president of Asia Pacific Financial Management Group. She will serve until July 2024 and is presently on the Investment Committee and the Budget, Finance, and Audit Committee.

The other officers remain the same: Jillette T. Leon Guerrero as vice chairperson and Elvin Y. Chiang as treasurer. The board members-at-large remain Mari Flor Herrero, Hyo Sang Ji, Jerold W. Filush, Liza J. Provido, and Annie Fay Camacho as student regent. Krise serves as executive secretary.

The Board of Regents has general supervision over the University and meets no fewer than four times per year. The board sets the policies governing the duties, conditions of employment, compensation, and salary of all University employees and also submits an annual budget to the Legislature.

Incoming UOG Board of Regents Chair Christopher K. Felix and outgoing Chair Elizabeth “Betty” Gayle present President Thomas W. Krise with the Presidential Medallion of Office at his Nov. 16 investiture ceremony. Photo: UOG)


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