With longtime Washington Delegate Madeleine out of the congressional race following her defeat in the Aug. 25 Democratic primary, the November race for congress has been narrowed down between Sen. Michael San Nicolas and Doris Flores Brooks.

Flores-Brooks released the following statement:
“The primary is behind us and it’s time to move on to the general election. But before doing so, I thank every person who encouraged me and voted for me to be the Republican nominee for Guam’s Delegate to Congress. I am particularly grateful to the friends and family who gave their own time and resources to aid me in my run for Congress.
“The visits to all the camps at all the precincts were particularly exhilarating. Those who are at the camps for every candidate are there not for personal reward but because they believe in a person and a cause. I felt welcomed wherever I went. The people of Guam are good hearted. Thank you for your many courtesies. In the general election I will articulate my beliefs and goals and set out for you why I believe I can best represent Guam in Washington.”
San Nicolas posted his statement on Facebook:

“Our people have set into motion a change in our island's Congressional representation for the first time in 16 years.
Thank you Congresswoman Bordallo for all of your years of service. There are no greater words suitable to convey the gratitude of the people of Guam for your lifetime of public service than Si Yu'us Ma'åse.
"As we move onto the general election it is with a full awareness of the gravity, symbolism and responsibility that comes with being your chosen agent of this change. Thank you deeply for the honor of a lifetime to be your public servant. My family and I pray for the grace and wisdom to continue serving you well, and will strive to continuously earn your trust and confidence through our work to build a Responsible Guam."