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  • By Pacific island Times News Staff

Exit polls bare different results

Two exit polls conducted by different groups at today’s primary showed different results. Sen. Frank Aguon leads the gubernatorial race based on exit polls conducted by Guamanians for Fair Government in conjunction with Citizens for Public Accountability, while Lou Leon Guerrero leads in the exit polls conducted by students of the University of Guam.

The GFG/CPA’s exit polls, conducted between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., showed that of 307 voters polled, 107 or 34.8 percent said they voted for Aguon/Limtiaco; 84 or 27.3 percent voted for Leon Guerrero/ Tenorio and 49 or 15.9 percent said they voted for Gutierrez/Bordallo, while 50 or 16.2 percent voted for Rodriguez/Cruz for governor and lt. governor. Tenorio/Ada received only 17 or 5.5 percent.

According to CPA’s Facebook page, the polling sites included precincts in Yigo, Dededo, Tamuning, Mangilao and Agat.

The UOG students’ poll showed Leon Guerrero/Tenorio team leads the pack with 30 percent, followed by Aguon/Limtiaco at 25 percent; Gutierrez/Bordallo, 17 percent; and Rodriguez/Cruz, 13 percent.

GFG/CPA’s exit polls for the attorney general showed Leevin Camacho leading the race with 43.1 percent, followed Frank Gary Gumataotao with 30.8 percent and Doug Moylan, 25 percent.

The race for Washington delegate showed a split vote: 47.3 percent for Madeline Bordallo, and 46.6 percent for Mike San Nicolas, while only 5.9 percent voted for Doris Brooks.

“Because exit polls are un-weighted, meaning the demographic mix of the respondents is not adjusted to match any expectations for the composition of the electorate a different formula is used with a larger margin of error in this case +/- 7 percent,” CPA stated on its Facebook page. “With that in mind, some conclusions can be assumed by the data collected. There is no clear front runner for Washington Delegate as the results indicate a statistical tie between Bordallo and San Nicolas. It’s going to be a long night.”

Pacific Island Times


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