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  • Press release

Rodriguez-Cruz team files candidacy

Alongside their families, friends, and close supporters, Democratic team Rodriguez Cruz filed for candidacy at the Guam Election Commission. Sen. Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr. and running mate Col. David Cruz, Jr. (USAF Ret.) are running for governor and lieutenant governor with a campaign centered around love.

Rodriguez and Cruz made a pledge to the people of Guam that if elected, they will put an end to public corruption by leading the island into a new era of leadership with a government that is transparent, honest, and capable. The other 2 pillars of our platform's foundation are economic self-sustainability and modernization of the government.

“Dennis is the only candidate for governor who is standing up to this administration and saying something about corruption. He’s fighting alongside the people. He’s the governor we need and I’m going to help him to clean this island from the top down,” Cruz, a retired and decorated Air Force Colonel and public school teacher said.

“God works in mysterious ways. He placed us on this path at this time to serve our people in this way. They hunger for truth, fairness, equality, and the ability to serve their families and bring them happiness. This is what we’re about. We will shine the light in the darkest recesses of the hearts of the forgotten and the discarded, the downtrodden and the belittled. We are going to make this government work for its owners - each and every citizen of Guam,” Rodriguez, a four-term senator said.

Attached you will find the outline and summaries of our 3 pillars. In the coming weeks, our campaign will present our complete platform.

Pacific Island Times


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