Serving her eighth term as Guam’s Representative to the U.S. Congress, Madeleine Z. Bordallo exuded confidence Tuesday as she announced her intent to seek a ninth, while extending best wishes to challengers who are already lining up.
Bordallo has spent more than 15 years in Washington, D.C. in that role and observed that “the political landscape there has never been this bitter.”
Reading from a prepared statement, Bordallo said, “We’ve been able to accomplish so much, big and small, with one voice. One of my proudest moments was passage of the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, signed into law by President Obama. Like all things, the legislation passed was not perfect and I have heard the stories and know the horrors that our people have experienced. This has been a long and difficult road and I appreciate the support and assistance from many in our community, especially from my predecessors in Congress, who laid the groundwork.”
Bordallo cited her seniority in Washington as a major plus.
“As Guam’s only voice in Washington, working in a bi-partisan manner is not an option. It is the only way forward and that is why I have built and maintained strong relationships with my colleagues. Not as a manner of convenience, but because it is the foundation of strong and stable leadership.
Today politics can be so divisive and downright dirty our ability to respectfully disagree and share viewpoints on issues often evolve into personal attacks. And then, sponsored ads on social media.”
Responding to questions, Delegate Bordallo said her priorities currently include ending the federal freeze on H2B contract workers which has essentially stalled much needed civilian projects and crafting means to respond to the huge dent in Guam’s budget caused by the recent tax cut bill.

Also announced as seeking the Congressional Delegate seat are Senator Michael San Nicolas (left), Jonathan Diaz and Eric Lin.