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  • By Pacific Island Times Staff

Delegate Bordallo on Trump State of the Union

She extracts hope from statements about N.Korea and bi-partisanship; worries about impact of giant tax cut for rich on Guam

Congresswoman Bordallo and Guam Society of America President

Aylene Mafnas prepareto attend President Trump’s first State of the

Union address before a joint session of Congress.

While supporting President Trump's goal to fortify national security, Guam's Delegate to Congress Madeleine Bordallo urged the Republican administration not to overlook civilian programs.

“Tonight President Trump delivered his first State of the Union, outlining his administration’s priorities for the coming year. The President spoke on the need to rebuild our military, and while I am supportive of efforts to strengthen our national security, we must also ensure that we are investing in domestic programs and remove the burdens of sequestration on both defense and non-defense programs," Bordallo said, commenting on Trump’s State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress.

“As we rebuild America's strength and confidence at home, we are also restoring our strength and standing abroad,” Trump said. “Around the world, we face rogue regimes, terrorist groups, and rivals like China and Russia that challenge our interests, our economy, and our values. In confronting these dangers, we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict, and unmatched power is the surest means of our defense.”

As part of national defense, Trump is seeking to “modernize and rebuild” the nation’s nuclear arsenal, “hopefully never having to use it, but making it so strong and powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression.”

The president expressed hope that “someday in the future there will be a magical moment when the countries of the world will get together to eliminate their nuclear weapons.”

But a nuclear-free world is “not there yet,” Trump said, noting the constant threat posed by North Korea's “reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles.”

Bordallo, however, urged the administration to take the diplomatic route. "I continue to urge diplomacy and hope the administration will work cooperatively with the international community to avoid actions that could lead to a military conflict," she saifd

As for the tax reform passed last December, Bordallo said, "I remain very concerned with the negative impacts the GOP tax law will have on GovGuam as it applies the law to Guam’s local tax system. Early last year, I warned local leaders to prepare for the consequences of tax reform and look into ways to insulate Guam’s treasury from revenue decreases. Congressional Republican leaders did not give Democrats, or even many of their own Republican members, any say in developing this law, but I will work cooperatively with Guam’s leaders to safeguard our community as it is implemented."

"Finally, President Trump stated that he wants to work with both Republicans and Democrats to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The past year of chaos and division cannot become the norm. I hope that he lives up to this commitment and leads efforts to unify our country so that we can do the business of the American people.”


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