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By Bruce Lloyd

Children’s Mental Health a Guam focus in May

Much of the responsibility for the mental health of Guam’s children, beyond that exercised by parents, falls to the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center. The agency misses few opportunities to bring relevant issues to public attention.

May was a big month for this educational outreach to the island community, both in governmental offices and on busy streets during rush hours.

“Children’s Mental Health Matters” was the theme of the month in support of the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, which provides counseling, parent workshops, and support services. Among the promotional activities, Acting Gov. Ray Tenorio signed a proclamation highlighting the importance of health and wellness.

Surrounded by professional staff, parents and many children, Tenorio said: “When we discover these issues, whether they be chemical imbalances of other anxieties, or how to deal with substance abuse, mental health--or behavioral health now-- is the transition of the change of the mindset. There’s a stigma sometimes associated so we changed the name from mental health to behavioral wellness. And wellness is really the end goal.”

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