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By Johanna Salinas

Guam reports 14th Covid death; PCOR1, lockdown extended for another week

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero said the patient died at 9 a.m. today.

The fatality was a 59-year-old man with comorbidities, and he was admitted at the Guam Memorial Hospital on Aug. 25 due to respiratory failure. He tested positive for Covid-19.

“Since declaring Pandemic Condition of Readiness 1 on Aug. 14, we have confirmed a total of 1,096 cases of Covid-19. This represents 70 percent of our total number of confirmed cases since Marc,” the governor said.

“Our Covid census at the hospital is nearly 50, with over 10 people in the ICU, and 10 on ventilators. This time last week we had 36—a nearly 39 percent increase in Covid hospitalization in only seven days,” the governor said.

Besides the Covid cases, the governor said GMH is also treating 87 patients for non-Covid ailments.

“We lost 9 more people to this virus—going from five Covid-related deaths in April to 14. That is a 18 percent increase.

As of Sept. 4, Guam had 1,560 positive cases.

“Jeff, Lt. Governor Josh, and I send our deepest condolences to his family and friends, and we mourn for everyone touched by this awful virus,” Leon Guerrero said.

“One more person. One more person with family, friends, people who loved him. One person who still had a lot of living to do. “

The stories that have not been told, she said, are those of doctors and nurses.

“They have been working nonstop since March, with seemingly no end in sight. Every day, they are walking into the line of fire and risking their lives to keep our patients safe,” the governor said.

“Before I was your Governor, before I was at the bank, or even a senator. I was a nurse in an ICU department. Decisions had to be made quickly, and we couldn’t second guess ourselves. At times it was difficult—I saw many things I would never wish upon anyone. And these are moments you keep with you the rest of your life. “

Leon Guerrero signed a new executive order extending the stay-at-home order for another week until noon, Sept. 11.

Businesses that are currently able to operate can continue and those that are closed will remain so.

Following are excerpts from the governor's executive order.

WHEREAS, on May 8, 2020, pursuant to Executive Order No. 2020-14, I declared Guam to be in PCOR 2, permitting limited activities to operate under moderate restrictions, subject to Department of Public Health and Social Services ("DPHSS'') Guidance, occupancy limits and implementation of mitigation measures; and

WHEREAS, on July 19, 2020, pursuant to Executive rder No. 2020-24, I declared Guam to be in PCOR 3, permitting businesses and activities to operate, with exceptions, subject to occupancy limitations and the implementation of mitigation measures; and

WHEREAS, despite the restrictions in place, the number of COVID-19 cases in Guam increased drastically, and on August 16, 2020, Guam reverted to PCOR 1 to try to slow COVID-19's spread in our community; and

WHEREAS, on August 21, 2020, in response to our island experiencing a sharp increase in positive COVID-19 cases, our highest single day total for positive tests as of that date, and our sixth (6th) fatality to COVID-19, I ordered all Guam residents to stay at home for an interim one-week period; and

WHEREAS, this Stay-at-Home Order instituted the most restrictive conditions, closing all businesses and limiting access to government offices except for those deemed critical and prohibiting the use of public spaces like beaches and parks for any purpose; and

WHEREAS, on August 27, 2020, pursuant to Executive Order No. 2020-29, I issued a continued Stay-at-Home Order on a modified basis, authorizing additional business to allow our community to weather the Stay-at-Home Order; and

WHEREAS, our daily rate of positive cases remains alarmingly high. We have confirmed 1,560 total cases, and to date, we have lost fourteen (14) members of our community to this disease; and

More details to follow.

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