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Low-risk areas identified; two test positive for Covid-19

By Pacific Island Times Ns Staff

The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) tested 283 individuals for Covid-19 on Wednesday, with conclusive results. Two tested positive through DPHSS and 281 tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. Both cases were identified through community screening. One case reported recent travel.

To date, there have been a total of 332 confirmed cases of Covid-19 on Guam. The tally includes five deaths, 244 released from isolation, and 83 active cases. Of those cases, 283 are classified as civilians and 49 are military service members.

Earlier this month, the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration secured temporary emergency shelter for Guam’s street homeless in light of the ongoing pandemic. A Maite motel is currently providing emergency shelter for 70 individuals, including 13 children, while Catholic Social Services is conducting outreach and performing needed wrap-around services. Efforts are ongoing to secure additional emergency shelter for the island’s street homeless.


The health department also released the list of low-risk areas:

United States: • Connecticut, • Main • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New York and • Vermont

Pacific/Oceania: American Samoa • Australia • CNMI • FSM • Marshall Islands • New Zealand • Palau

Asia: • Malaysia• South Korea • Taiwan

Others: • Austria • Belgium • Canada • Denmark • Finland • Germany • Greece • Hungary • Iceland

• Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Slovakia • Switzerland • Spain • United Kingdom

Low-Risk areas are determined by a calculated Covid19 area risk score, which primarily assesses an area’s recently calculated Case Doubling Time, Test Positivity Rate and New Cases Per 100,000 population.


Incoming travelers whose point of origin is from a low-risk area and whose stay on Guam is less than 5 nights will not be subject to quarantine. Incoming travelers who will be staying on Guam for more than 5 nights will be required to take a Covid-19 test on the fifth day of their stay, unless they show proof of a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 5 days of their arrival on Guam.

Incoming travelers whose point of origin is not from a low-risk area and who are unable to show proof of a negative PCR test within 5 days of their arrival to Guam will be required to quarantine at a government facility for 14 days. Those who can show proof of a negative PCR test that was administered within 5 days of their arrival to Guam can proceed to home/self quarantine for 14 days. Individuals under either form of quarantine will be given the option to test out on day 7, however, priority will be given to those in government quarantine. COVID-19 tests are subject to availability.

All incoming travelers, whether coming from a low-risk area or not, are subject to symptom monitoring by DPHSS for the duration of their stay, or 14 days, whichever is greater.

Pacific Island Times


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