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  • By Pacific Island Times News

One traveler in CNMI tests positive for Covid-19

Saipan-- The CNMI Governor’s Covid-19 Task Force and the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) reported on Tuesday that one recent traveler has been confirmed to have contracted Covid19, bringing CNMI’s current case count to 38 since March 28,.

The traveler diagnosed with Covid-19 was identified through the scheduled fifth day testing. The individual is safely isolated at the designated quarantine site at Kanoa Resort and is being closely monitored.

The CHCC has already initiated contact tracing for the most immediate contacts (passengers on the same flight, close family members, friends, and associates) of the newly confirmed case.

Of the total 38 confirmed cases, 15 cases (39 percent) have been identified through port of entry screening.


Through the Governor’s Covid-19 Task Force, many interventions are in place to protect the community from the spread of Covid-19 within the CNMI and care for those who are diagnosed.

The CNMI government said recent cases, which are identified through the mandatory declaration form and Covid-19 testing for all incoming international passengers, highlight the value of this border containment effort.

"Combined with immediate contact tracing, these interventions are key in minimizing the risk of exposure for Covi-19 to the community," the CNMI government said.

Government officials again reminded residents to continue practicing good hand-hygiene, wearing face coverings, social distancing and limiting time spent in public places as much as possible.


Pacific Island Times


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