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Advisory panel on government reorganization formed

By Pacific Island Times News Saff

Joe San Agustin

Sen. Joe S. San Agustin, chairman of the Legislative Committee on Appropriations and chairman of the Special Economic Service, has announced the creation of a bipartisan Advisory Commission on Government Reorganization and Revitalization that aims to right-size government & grow the economy with the private sector at the table.

The commission will also include members from the private sector and a cross-section of our community. “We have to prepare for the worst if tourism numbers continue to decline. This means everything is on the table if we’re to control costs and grow the economy in other ways and at the same time. Government expenses, long-term indebtedness, unfunded or underfunded mandates, even policies that will bring in new revenues or spur private sector growth for other industries, it’s all up for discussion because it affects the budget,” said San Agustin, chair of the Advisory Commission.

“We don’t want to end up right back where we were a few years ago. We are seeing little to no growth in some areas of the economy. If it worsens, then everyone suffers, not just govGuam. I’m glad that Senator San Agustin is being proactive, inclusive and transparent,” said Sen. Wil Castro and co-chair of the Advisory Commission.

Advisory Commission Members include: Sen. Joe S. San Agustin, Chair Sen. Wil Castro, Co-Chair Sen. Clynt Ridgell, Member Sen. Mary C. Torres, Member Mr. Stephen Guerrero, Director, Office of Finance and Budget Mr. Bertha Duenas, Chief Fiscal Advisor to the Governor of Guam Mr. Joe Arnett, Chairman, Guam Chamber of Commerce Dr. Roseann Jones, Professor of Economics, University of Guam Mr. Carlos Camacho, Business Owner Mr. Christian Valencia, Student of Economics, University of Guam

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