An 18-year-old girl became Guam's 130th Covid-19 related death which occurred at the Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) on Feb. 7 at approximately 9:15 a.m. The patient was an 18-year-old female with no known medical history. She was admitted to the GMH Emergency Room today and tested positive upon evaluation.
“To her family and friends, Jeff, Lt. Governor Josh, and I express our condolences and sympathies. Please know you are not alone in your grief,” said Governor Lou Leon Guerrero. “To the people of Guam, our mourning must come with action. We cannot forget the necessary precautions we need to take to keep this island safe.”
Six new cases of Covid-19 were identified out of 99 tests performed on Saturday, Feb. 6.
To date, there have been a total of 7,649 officially reported cases of COVID-19 with 130 deaths, 103 cases in active isolation, and 7,416 not in active isolation.