By Senior Airman Aubree Owens/ 36th Wing Public Affairs
Andersen Air Force Base had a $197.2 million economic impact on Guam’s economy in 2020, according to the base’s economic analysis released January 2021.
The report showed 6,169 total personnel within Andersen AFB, including 2,443 appropriated fund military, meaning active-duty Air Force, Navy, Reserve and National Guard, 550 rotational members deployed to Guam, 2,529 active duty dependents and 647 appropriated funds civilian personnel.
It indicated an annual federal payroll of $166.1 million among all personnel. Additionally, it showed Andersen AFB created approximately $38.8 million in jobs.
“We put money into positions and by doing so, it impacts the community by generating jobs and stimulating the community,” said U.S. Air Force Staff. Sgt. Leon Yang, 36th Comptroller Squadron budget analyst. “Each position we hire, to include military positions have dollar amounts posted to them.”
The annual report is intended to provide information about the economic impact of Andersen AFB on the surrounding community.
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