By Pacific Island Times News Staff
The Kiwa Initiative and International Union for Conservation of Nature announced four new projects aimed at addressing the climate crises through nature-based solutions in Niue, Nauru, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea.
These new projects, representing a step toward a sustainable climate-resilient future, will tackle key climate-related challenges faced by Pacific Island nations. They are recipients of the first call for proposals launched by IUCN and closed in 2022. The Pacific region is disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and livelihoods. To address these pressing issues, the Kiwa Initiative is committing to a multi-faceted approach that combines NbS and community engagement. The Kiwa Initiative, launched in 2020, provides grants for both local and regional-scale projects in 19 eligible countries and territories in the Pacific region, including the three French overseas countries and territories in addition to African, Caribbean and Pacific regions. The Kiwa initiative also provides support to project leaders in the form of capacity building and technical assistance. “As donors of the Kiwa Initiative, we are proud to contribute to your projects that are rooted in the engagement and mobilization of local communities. We subscribe to this approach, as we firmly believe that communities are best positioned to understand and address the challenges they are already facing regarding climate change adaptation," said Aurélie Ahmim-Richard, regional policy officer in New Caledonia. Previously, 14 Kiwa local projects led by civil society organizations, national authorities, and international NGOs, had been awarded grants.
The four last grant recipients from the first Call of proposals are:
KGWan – Papua New Guinea: This project aims to combat climate change impacts through reforestation in degraded areas of the montane forest in the Simbu province along the Bismark Forest corridor and ensuring sustainable forest management. The project also aims to improve livelihood socio-economic and financial resilience for 1,500 community members through producing climate-smart food crops while at the same time ensuring the conservation of the threatened Nothofagus plant species in the forests of the Inaugl Tribe. The estimated size of the area is about 15 – 20,000 hectares.The total grant awarded to KGWan is €50,000.
Permatil – Timor Leste: This project is aimed toward water restoration and environmental rehabilitation at the village level in 12 locations and 2 districts.(6 in Alieu district and 6 in Liquica district). The project also aims to embed long-term climate adaptation and resilience skills in young people by linking school environment programs with youth leadership and environmental education programs. The overall goal of the project is to increase knowledge, skills and attitudes around water source management and conservation, environmental rehabilitation, and resilient food systems across Timorese society and all Pacific nations. The total grant awarded to Permatil is €307, 500.
Oma Tafua – Niue: The projectin Niue focuses on community-based disaster risk management in the Aliluki and Tufukia area through the development an Adaptation Action Plan, coastal restoration and the empowerment of youth and vulnerable groups in climate resilience. The project site was selected due to its heritage, historical and ecological significance and also due to the devastation of area by cyclone Heta in 2004. The total grant amount awarded to Oma Tafuais €234, 773.00.
EcoNauru – Nauru: The key objective of the project is to accelerate the growing of coconut trees in Nauru and re-educate communities on the traditional uses and economic benefits associated with every part of the coconut tree and in-turn provide opportunities for adaptation and measures against climate change. The total grant amount awarded to EcoNauru is €51,446.
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