By Pacific Island Times News Staff
Docomo Pacific on Friday reported a cyber security attack on its network system, resulting in an internet outage affecting its subscribers throughout Guam.
"Immediate failsafe protocols were initiated by Docomo Pacific cyber security technicians to shut down affected servers and to isolate the intrusion," Roderick Boss, Docmomo Pacific CEO and president, said in a press statement Friday.
"Docomo Pacific's customer data, mobile network services, and fiber services remain unaffected, protected, and secure at this time. We are working to restore service as soon as possible," he added.
This was the second cyber-attack on Guam following the incident at Guam Memorial Hospital last week.
The Wall Street Journal this week reported a "wave of stealthy China cyberattacks" hitting the U.S. and private networks.
Quoting a Google report, WSJ reported that "state-sponsored hackers from China have developed techniques that evade common cybersecurity tools and enable them to burrow into government and business networks and spy on victims for years without detection."
Charles Carmakal, chief technology officer at Google's Mandiant division, told the WSJ that the attacks "routinely exploit previously undiscovered flaws and represent a new level of ingenuity and sophistication from China."
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