Despite prize incentives, Guam failed to reach the 80 percent vaccination rate by the July 21 deadline. As a result, the existing coronavirus-related restrictions remain in place.
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero has extended the public health emergency declaration through Aug. 30.
The directive also requires all residents, except for two year olds and younger, to continue wearing face masks.
"All other restrictions, including limitations on social gatherings, reduced occupancy of establishments, social distancing requirements, and the requirement of operations on an appointment-only basis are lifted effective at 12:01 a.m. on the day after Guam has officially achieved its vaccination goal of 80 percent of its adult population, as certified by DPHSS and accepted by the governor," according to the executive order.
As of July 21, Guam had a vaccination rate of 78.8 percent.
With the conclusion of the vax 'n' win program, the government is now offering $20 coupons as an incentive for residents to complete their two doses Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or get their single dose of the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen (J&J/Janssen).
Also effective Aug. 1, the suspension of the pandemic unemployment assistance work search requirement will be rescinded. PUA claimants must now meet work search requirements as required in U.S. Department of Labor guidance following Hawaii regulations.
The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) continues its Covid-19 vaccination clinic at the Micronesia Mall from Thursday, July 22 through Saturday, July 24 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. as part of the department’s “Liberation Day Immunization.”
“We want to provide every opportunity for our community to get their Covid-19 shot. We’ll continue to step up our efforts to reach everyone. Our community health depends on this very important preventative measure. Please get your COVID-19 shot for yourself, your loved ones, and for our community,” said DPHSS Director Art San Agustin.