Unvaccinated vs vaccinated breakdown: 57-43 percent

A 75-year-old man infected with Covid 19 died at the Guam Regional Medical City this morning, the Joint Information Center reported today.
The patient— who became Guam’s 150th Covid-related fatality — was unvaccinated and did not have any reported underlying health conditions, the government said.
He passed away at approximately 5:28 a.m.
The Guam Memorial Hospital, Guam Regional Medical City, and U.S. Naval Hospital reported a combined total of 45 hospital admissions.
Of this number 26, or 57 percent, are unvaccinated, and 19, or 43 percent, are vaccinated, showing a narrowing gap between the two segments of the population.
The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) today reported 181 new positive cases out of 1,567 tests performed on Aug. 31. Of this number 91, cases were identified through contact tracing.
To date there have been a total of 10,740 officially reported cases of Covid-19 with 150 deaths, 1,595 cases in active isolation and 8,995 not in active isolation. The CAR Score is 44.
Today, the Guam Department of Education confirmed 11 positive cases involving students, and eight positive cases involving employees.
Student cases were identified at Adacao Elementary School, Captain H.B. Price Elementary School, Liguan Elementary School, Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School, Tamuning Elementary School, Wettengel Elementary School, Astumbo Middle School, F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School, John F. Kennedy High School, and two separate cases were identified at Okkodo High School.

Employee cases were identified at B.P. Carbullido Elementary School, Captain H.B. Price Elementary School, Finegayan Elementary School, Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School, Tamuning Elementary School, Vicente S.A. Benavente Middle School, and two separate cases were identified at Maria A. Ulloa Elementary School. In collaboration with the DPHSS, GDOE has identified and notified teachers as well as parents of students who may have been in contact with the index case in order to schedule testing. Tested individuals will remain in quarantine until they are cleared by DPHSS. Cleaning and disinfecting of areas of the campuses are taking place.
“Although we are facing a global pandemic along with the rest of the world, the tragic passing of a member of our community can make us feel alone. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health,” Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero said.
Check in with one another, safely, and let us get back to our basics – wear your mask, wash your hands, watch your distance,” said Gov. ernor Lou Leon Guerrero. “To his loved ones, Josh, Jeff, and I pray you find healing and comfort.”
The Port Authority of Guam also reported another employee, who tested positive.
The employee, who is vaccinated, contracted the virus outside of the Port Authority and was identified through contact tracing, according to Port officials.
Nineteen employees have been identified as close contacts and are being scheduled for testing with the Department of Public Health and Social Services.
As of today, 296 (85 percent) of Port employees are fully vaccinated, 28 (8 percent) have received the first doze of the vaccine, and 24 (7 percent) employees are still not vaccinated.
“We will continue to fully disclose the positive cases at the Port, and use these unfortunate notices as a daily reminder that the delta variant is aggressive and even infects vaccinated people,” general manager Rory Respicio said. “The difference is that those who are vaccinated have a far better chance of avoiding severe sickness, hospitalization and even death.”
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