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Guam eyes aquaculture industry

By Pacific Island Times News Staff

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero has created the Division of Aquaculture within the Department of Agriculture to support the agency's initiative to develop a new industry and ensure food security on Guam.

"With growing technical aquaculture advancements and practices, and the ever-increasing global demand for seafood, communities that rely on aquaculture and have deep cultural connections to our oceans, including Guam, must take measures to ensure  seafood security while implementing aggressive measures to preserve the health of our oceans," read the governor's executive order creating the new office.

She noted that interest in aquaculture has surged worldwide in recent years, with more than 50 percent of the world's seafood consumption coming from aquaculture.

"In recent years, the DoAG has invested substantial resources in the development of a sustainable and profitable aquaculture industry," the governor said.

Aquaculture involves the practice of farming and other aquatic organisms on Guam.

The creation of the aquaculture division would facilitate the allocation of necessary agency resources and personnel to related programs, and enable the DoAG to respond to opportunities for grant funding and programs, the governor said.

Noting the diverse characteristics of aquatic organisms and the complexities associated with their cultivation, the governor said the aquaculture program would require the involvement of professionals with expertise in the field.

The executive order also created an Aquacultural Advisory Board "to provide advice, expertise, and recommendations to the DoAG."

The board replaces the Guam Agriculture Task Force created in 2019.


"The Aquacultural Advisory Board shall advise the Division of Aquaculture within the Department of Agriculture regarding the establishment and management of a sustainable aquaculture industry in Guam," read the executive order.




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