Theodore Lewis, a health care executive consultant and columnist for Pacific Island Times, has released his debut book “When a Mustard Seed Moved a Mountain,” which is now available on amazon.com.
“When a Mustard Seed Moved a Mountain” is a collection of essays and stories, compiled from his column “Lessons From Everyday Life” published monthly in the Pacific Island Times.
The book features 25 stories about Lewis’s interactions with his family, friends and associates, as well as encounters with celebrities and strangers. He captured remarkable moments and released them through words woven into stories— some are heartwarming and inspirational, others are poignant, and still others are humorous.
Some of the stories were relatively recent, while others were redeemed from his inventory of memories that would take the reader to his awkward adolescent years growing up in the Midwest.

Starting with entertaining and historic “Pure Michigan Days,” the book progresses into spellbinding “Hospital Experiences.” Then the reader is captivated by unique “From CEO to Uber Driver” stories. Finally, the pandemic is the background for stories on “Death and Beyond.”
Providence initiates his 10-year tenure at Parkview Adventist Medical Center in Maine, under the cover title “When A Mustard Seed Moved a Mountain.”
“Vengeance is Mine” tells the story of how a principled CEO working to clean up and improve a troubled Guam Memorial Hospital is slandered and crushed as a result of a threatened bureaucracy determined to snuff out a leader of integrity.
Lewis is an accomplished executive, consultant, public speaker and writer.

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