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5 new positive cases identified; restrictions eased, occupancy limits raised to 50%

by Pacific Island Times News Staff

Results from Friday's 145 tests produced five Covid-19 positive cases, according to the Joint Information Center.

To date, there have been a total of 7,198 officially reported cases of Covid-19 with 119 deaths, 466 cases in active isolation and 6,613 not in active isolation. Hospitalizations remain stable, with 26 admissions, eight in ICU, five on ventilator. The Covid Area Risk (CAR) score is 1.6.

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero has amended restrictions on the operation of businesses and activities, raising occupancy limits at 50 percent of capacity while Guam remains in Pandemic Condition of Readiness 1. The “Safer At Home” advisory as well as social distancing and face coverings mandates remain in place.

The amended policy begins today. In addition to authorized businesses and services previously identified in the Department of Public Health and Social Services' memo, recreational and fitness facilities are allowed to operate at 50 percent occupancy limit. These include

  • Private and public swimming pools;

  • Gymnasiums, fitness centers, and dance studios;

  • Indoor firing ranges; and

  • Others as determined by DPHSS.

Also allowed to operate by appointment only, and at the same capacity limit are the following:

Animal grooming and training establishments;

  • Cosmetology Establishments;

  • Dive shops;

  • Auto wash, detailing, and tinting businesses;

  • Photography services;

  • Financial planning;

  • Advertising and marketing;

  • In-office Consulting; and

  • Others as determined by DPHSS.

Organized sports non-contact training is authorized, provided, 6 feet distance is maintained, including while occupying a vehicle (i.e., golf cart) or in an enclosed space, and:

  • There is no direct contact between participants;

  • If held outdoors, congregation cannot exceed 20 individuals;

  • If held indoors, it cannot exceed 50 percent of the occupancy load; and where and when applicable, implement frequent disinfection of surfaces that can be contaminated with the COVID virus, require the wearing of face masks by all who are not engaged in the activity (i.e., coaches and employees), and the posting of signs for social distancing and face mask requirements; and

  • Non-participants (i.e., instructors, employees, and parents) must wear face mask.


Pacific Island Times


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