The Covid-19 tally on Guam continues to mount with 15 new positive cases reported today, Aug. 12, bringing the total to 449.
Of the 15 cases, four were identified through contact tracing, two reported recent travel from the mainland U.S. and were identified in a quarantine facility.
Another large group, consisting of 16 positive cases, was detected on Tuesday. A total of 37 new cases have been detected since Monday.
There are 103 active cases while 341 have been released from isolation. There are 398 infected civilians, while the number of Covid-19 positive in the military has increased to 51.
A steakhouse in Tumon began contacting its customers yesterday after one of its wait staff tested positive.

"This is something that we have expected because we have a very robust contact-tracing team, we have a very robust investigating team and what it does is when they identify a positive and identify those in close contact of that positive, they isolate them and take them out of exposure and follow through with them," Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero said in a video message.
"Additionally, our testing capacity remains good and we continue the course of working and fighting this coronavirus," she added.
The governor, who is currently in isolation, released her video message one day after disclosing that she tested positive for Covid-19.
"The couple of days have n miserable and it’s been pretty scary because I did not know what the course of this virus would be. Potentially I would have been hospitalized and in severe illness. Fortunately, this course has taken to its mildness," the governor said. "I am now much better ad started teleworking as your governor."
Despite the the climbing Covid-19 number, the governor said Guam will remain in Pandemic Condition of Readiness 3 and will assess the situation in the next two weeks.
"What we are seeing in positive cases is what I think has happened two weeks ago -- that its traces go back to funerals and bars," Leon Guerrero said. "With the restrictions and closing the bars and putting more stringent measures, I am confident the numbers will go down."
Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. Josh Tenorio announced he tested negative for Covid-19.
"After receiving the negative test result and following the Department of Public Health and Social Services protocol, I continued to monitor myself for symptoms, wore a face mask, and practiced social distancing.
However, this afternoon, I began to exhibit mild symptoms, including a slight fever, chills, and a cough, and felt it was necessary to test again. Tonight, I received a positive result. Despite exhibiting moderate symptoms of the virus, I remain in good health. I will continue my isolation pending clearance from my health care provider. Once we were informed of Governor Leon Guerrero’s status, all in person meetings were canceled immediately, and most operations were shifted online. These operations will continue uninterrupted. Contact tracing is ongoing, and testing is underway for staff identified as close contacts.To the people of Guam, we stay the course. We maintain our COVID-19 response—steadfast as ever. Governor Leon Guerrero’s condition has been improving daily, and government operations continue with all the safety measures in place. Tomorrow, we will take a series of steps to redouble our effort against COVID-19 and keep Guam safe. We must practice caution. Wear your face mask around those outside of your household. Practice good hygiene. Maintain a social distance of at least six feet. The best course of action is to act as if you are infected with the virus. While Governor Leon Guerrero and I will get through this, more importantly the people of Guam will too.