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Pacific Island Times Staff

Questions likely to greet national GOP chair on Guam

Chairwoman of the Republic National Committee Ronna Romney McDaniel, will arrive at A.B. Won Pat International Airport Monday afternoon as she prepares for meetings with Guam and CNMI Republicans.

She'll also likely be facing some questions about a story first reported by the Palm Beach Post in Florida about one of the Trump inaugural galas that had major Republican support from Guam and the CNMI.

The Imperial Pacific International, operator of a Saipan casino, and the Republican Party of Guam were among the top sponsors of one of President Trump’s 2017 inaugural galas, according to the list posted on the Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee’s website dedicated to the event. But there is no record or official report of how much the Asian Pacific Gala raised, as required by federal law or where that money went. This is an ongoing story

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Ms. McDaniel will be at a Women’s Network Breakfast, Guam Chamber of Commerce at the Salon at Dusit Thani Hotel Tuesday morning and speak at a Chamber luncheon later, followed by a "Grand Ole Party Event at the View at Pacific Star Hotel – gathering of Guam and CNMI Republicans hosted by Former Governors of Guam and CNMI Governor. This is a free event and open to the public…all are welcome."


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