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Frank Rodney “Country” Reyes laid to rest

Frank Rodney “Country” Reyes, one of Guam’s song writers and musicians from the renown Marianas Homegrown album, was laid to rest this past Saturday in a private ceremony.

His songs, “Southern Comfort on the Rocks”, which features Umatac, one of Guam’s most beautiful villages, and “Island Snowman”, which addresses Guam’s war on drugs, continues to be played after nearly 40 years since the album was released.

Although Frank experienced a dark past as a young adult, he became a family man, where he raised two beautiful daughters, and he unselfishly served the people of Guam. Frank coached youth football, provided CPR and First Aid training to government employees, trained defensive driving to youth and also trained emergency vehicle operations to federal and local law enforcement and emergency responders. He was also widely known as one of the best fisherman on the island and a Harley Davidson enthusiast.

Click on the Youtube video to listen to

on the Rocks and see how Frank lived.

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